Sunday, June 14, 2009

My Summer So Far

Our internet is finally working!!!! Well here is what has happened recently. Joel and Jen came. Jeffrey and Jeremy graduated. We went to Indiana for YaLaina's graduation party. Went to Alabama youth camp. Didn't I have great grammar? I'm amazing.
Seriously though, I had a blast at youth camp! The services were amazing with great messages and great songs. Darrell Stetler II is one of my favourite preachers ever. I could go into a lot of detail but suffice it to say, I had a blast!
Our room was so much fun! I had so much fun and I grew a lot! We had our own bathroom, a broken door, and all kinds of other great stuff. We won tug of war, and even though our team didn't win, I still had so much fun!
Well guess that's it.
I'm going to bed.

Our youth group matches!!! YEAH!!!!! Notice how tired I look. I went to bed at 12 and had to get up at 4:30.

This pic makes me laugh. I'm bonking my head or something :)
Getting ready for the mud relay at Alabama youth camp.
trying to do the cool thingy and not quite pulling it off. Notice how Caleb is tilting too
This pic cracks me up. It's hard to get so many people in a pic
YaLaina and I at her grad party
Me and the bug at Jeffrey and Jeremy's graduation.
I'm so proud of them!

Jeremy graduating from kindergarten
Jeffrey graduating from kindergarten


Kelly S said...

Hey, that handsome little man in the gray suit is my grandpa!

Esther said...

we live in a small world!

YaLaina said...

Love the pics!!! Finally got some new material here!!HE!HE! Thank you very much!!!

Love you! YaLaina